AQUAGOLD® Fine Touch™ Now at HealthyLooks MedSpa


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AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ is our newest treatment offered to help stimulate collagen and elastin production to thicken and tighten thinning skin to improve skin tone, texture and appearance! This cutting-edge device is FDA approved and delivers low doses of a mesotherapy cocktail at a consistent depth through 20 microchannels made of 24k gold needles that are thinner than a human hair.

Is AQUAGOLD® the same as Botox or fillers?

AQUAGOLD® is more of a rejuvenation technique to improve skin quality compared to dermal fillers or neurotoxins that are used to treat deep wrinkles by relaxing facial muscles. If you are looking to treat more prominent wrinkles and lines Botox and filler can be injected the same day following your AQUAGOLD® appointment. Within those microchannels products such as, dermal fillers, neurotoxins, skin hydrating solutions and vitamins/antioxidants are released into the pores to penetrate the pores on a deeper level.

Is AQUAGOLD® like Microneedeling?

The AQUAGOLD® facial is different than Microneededling because it delivers a unique cocktail of products into the pores through each channel to stimulate collagen production with the puncture/healing process. Since the device targets a precise depth of skin it allows the products to be dispersed where pores and fine lines are for a primary treatment of those concerns. Both treatments are great for collagen production but with AQUAGOLD® you are getting an added blend of ingredients with no down time and little to no pain.

How soon will I see results?

It is recommended to start with a series of three treatments 4-6 weeks apart to get the best results. Results will appear slowly and naturally as the PRP amplifies the natural growth factors your body uses to heal tissue. After your series you can get it as often as every four weeks when you want your skin to have that nice nourishment boost and plump! Micro infusion facial treatments are great to get before an event or special occasion and your body will continue to produce collagen at a higher level with every treatment leading to smoother fine lines and wrinkles. The full effects of the treatment will be seen three to seven days after and last between three and four months. Once you complete the series your clinician will review your before and after 3D images to see how many more treatments are necessary and what other treatments and products would be a great pairing to reach your skin goals.

What will my appointment be like?

When you arrive for your appointment, we will take 3D photos so we can track your progress over time. After that you have the option to numb for 30 minutes or not since it is minimally painful but with the topical numbing it guarantees no pain during your treatment. Once you are numb the treatment will begin and takes about 30 minutes to do the full face. When you leave you will be slightly red but are able to go on with your day and it is recommended not to put on make-up until the following day! That night you can wash your face but don’t use any retinol or tretinoin products for the next week. The following day, and every day, be sure to wear sunscreen and you can resume your normal skincare regimen.

To book a complimentary consultation or an appointment call 816-795-5262 or click here and someone from the HealthyLooks team will be happy to help. Follow us on Instagram @healthylooksmedspa to stay updated on all things HealthyLooks!