How long does an injectable procedure take, and will it be painful or uncomfortable?

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How long does it take to undergo an injectable procedure with Dr. Lamb at HealthyLooks?

It’s only natural for patients to want to know the logistics of any treatment program. This would include how long it lasts, and whether to expect pain or discomfort.

Fortunately, cosmetic injections have come a long way in terms of their effectiveness and the methods for administering them. As long as you get this done through an effective injector (like Dr. Lamb), it shouldn’t be any source of anxiety.

The Best Ways to Minimize Pain During an Injectable Procedure

During many of our procedures, we’ll utilize what we call a lip block or dental block. This is an important pain-mitigating technique for certain injections. Although the corners of the mouth may still experience some sensation, this helps numb the pain whenever we do lip fillers.

We also apply chill packs to reduce pain at the site of the injection. Plus, almost all of our filler products contain numbing agents within them. Finally, for some of the more extensive procedures, we offer a nerve block along with all the above measures.

Those are the most effective approach, and can last for about an hour and a half, making it a much more comfortable experience. We work very hard to make everything as painless as possible even when we pursue tough spots like marionette lines through various superficial injections.

HealthyLooks Uses Advanced 3D Technology for Facial Mapping

How do we know which treatment works best for each patient?

We select the appropriate injection (of which there are many options) by doing a 3D mapping of your face, followed by a consultation with you. This involves a comprehensive three-dimensional view of what you look like from every side or angle, including those you don’t encounter every day. You’re probably used to seeing the front view in the mirror all the time, but those side angles can demonstrate a lot as well.

As we get older, certain parts of the face exhibit different signs of aging, which normally give away how old someone is. With Botox and other injectables, we can thwart this problem and allow patients to regain a more youthful appearance. Dr. Lamb accomplishes this by focusing on the typical problem zones like frown lines or around the eyes (crow’s feet).

If you’d like to learn more about fillers and injectables, consider checking out our previous article, where we dispel several myths regarding plastic surgery and cosmetics.

Problems We Can Correct During an Injectable Procedure

What are some of the common cosmetic solutions we deliver through injectable products?

Lip fillers are always very popular among our younger patients. They often seek a more attractive appearance through fuller lips, which we can assist with injectables.

Then there are older or middle-age folks, who struggle more with frown lines and signs of aging. For them, we focus more on cheek configuration to reduce those noticeable and frustrating fine lines.

The 3D imaging allows us to view the entire face to diagnose how it’s aging. This even includes eyebrow volume, which doesn’t always get as much attention even though it may decline substantially.

Therefore, it helps to add trace amounts of filler into the brow, and mechanically elevate it for a more youthful appearance. Finally, there are several ways to use injectables to target creases in the cheeks and difficult nasolabial lines.

Visit HealthyLooks Soon for Effective and Comfortable Cosmetic Treatments

HealthyLooks offers minimally painful cosmetic procedures, which include proven injection treatments. We also serve clients with novel techniques, like Coolsculpting, where we reduce the appearance of unwanted superficial fat through a fat-freezing technique.

There are plenty of outstanding ways to fix superficial cosmetic problems without surgery or anything painful. If you’re still unsure over whether you would benefit from injectables, then feel free to reach out to us to explore ideas.

Contact us anytime to find out what to expect during any injectable procedure when you receive them through HealthyLooks.