CoolSculpting Expert Answers “Does CoolSculpting Actually Work?”

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Kansas City Coolsculpting Expert & Plastic Surgeon weighs in on CoolSculpting, the noninvasive fat-freezing procedure.

Does CoolSculpting Actually Work?

We get this question all day long. And we understand the skepticism. Freezing fat with no surgery or downtime sounds pretty unbelievable!

But you better believe it, baby! This thing actually works.

Kansas City CoolSculpting: How Does It Work?

CoolSculpting’s technology was discovered after Harvard scientists found that children who ate popsicles developed dimples in their cheeks. The scientists – Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD – realized that the popsicles were freezing and eliminating small pockets of fat cells.

The idea that cold can target fat cells – without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue – was the insight behind cryolipolysis, the proven science on which the CoolSculpting procedure is based.

Most of us have stubborn fat that we can’t get rid of despite diet and exercise. We’ve all googled “how to lose belly fat” or “arm fat”, etc. Most of those articles give exercises to tone the problem area. But the truth is, you can’t decide where your body loses fat first.

The beauty of CoolSculpting is that we can target your problem area. CoolSculpting uses controlled cooling to target and kill only those fat cells. Fat cells that are frozen gradually die off and leave the body in the body’s natural elimination process. It takes about 90 days for all the dead fat cells to leave the body. Much like liposuction, once the fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good!

With each treatment, the number of fat cells decreases by about 20%. Each additional treatment enhances your results and eliminates another 20% of those fat cells.

Why Dr. Lamb and His Kansas City Team Love CoolSculpting

We’ve been CoolSculpting since 2014 and love it for a number of reasons.

  1. It’s a quick treatment. Treating an area can take as little as 35 minutes.

  2. There’s no downtime. Many of our patients come in during their lunch hour and return right back to their normal schedules. You may feel some tingling or soreness, but it is nothing that will stop you from your normal routine.

  3. It’s great for men and women of all ages.

  4. We can treat all problem areas including the abdomen, flanks (love handles), neck, back/bra area, thighs, male chest, arms, and under the buttocks.

  5. Results are natural-looking and long-lasting.

Click here for more information on CoolSculpting and to view results.

Call or text us at 816-795-5262 to schedule your consultation with our Kansas City CoolSculpting expert team.