Preventative Botox

Preventative Botox

Table of Contents

What can preventative Botox do for you?

As we age the elastin in our skin depletes and our skin becomes more fragile creating those deep lines and wrinkles we all hate. But thanks to science and the art of injecting, Botox has become preventative for anyone looking to improve their facial posture by retraining the facial muscles with an injectable!

What is Botox?

Botox is primarily used for cosmetic purposes in the upper face and neck, but it can also be used in the masseter to relieve the clenching muscles and minimize tension headaches. Because there are many different Neurotoxins that can be used it’s important to discuss what you want with your injector to ensure you are reaching your desired goals!

At what age should I start injecting?

In the past Botox has been used as reactive maintenance by patients that are already seeing lines and wrinkles but now it is recommended to start injecting once you see signs of concern. Injecting early will start the re-training process so the muscles in your face will no longer be in the bad habit of pursing and furrowing. Dr. Lamb, MD and lead injector at HealthyLooks MedSpa stated that “Although my more mature patients still take the lead with their need to get reactive injections, I am seeing many patients in their 20’s wanting to start injections early to preserve their face structure and start maintaining the aging process.” It’s impossible to pinpoint an exact age to start so we recommend patients who are interested in taking that preventative step to begin Botox once they start seeing lines in their forehead, between eyebrows, and on the sides of their eyes.

How often do I need Botox?

There are many factors That influence how long your Botox will last and when you will need to come for another treatment. Botox normally sets in within 5-14 days and will last 3-4 months depending on your metabolism, activity level, amount of Botox injected, and the skill of your injector. The goal behind preventative Botox is to come back less over time rather than waiting until the wrinkles are too deep and you would need to come back more often to retrain those facial muscles. After your first time injecting you will have a better idea of how your body will process the neurotoxin and can come up with a treatment plan that fits you!

To ensure your Botox sets in properly it’s important to avoid strenuous physical activity, facials, chemical peels, or any facial treatments 24 hours after your injection.

Preventative Botox: Who does injections?

When looking for an injector, skill and an understanding of facial anatomy is at the top of the list of importance. We recommend seeing a plastic surgeon or nurse injector that has a plastic surgeon as his/her medical director to ensure you are receiving the best treatment. In our office, we have a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jerome Lamb, who also wrote the book on facial anatomy, Facial Volumization- An Anatomic Approach, after he learned there isn’t a book on the comprehensive synthesis of facial anatomy specific to injection technique. When you are putting the fate of your face in someone else’s hands it’s imperative you go to someone educated and five-star. In the book, Dr. Lamb states that “This book is a companion, toolbox, and potential “secret weapon” to assist you with obtaining optimal aesthetic outcomes for your patients.” We also have two nurse injectors that were trained by Dr. Lamb and they use his exact injection pattern! If you are ready to start or continue getting Botox, going to someone who has your optimal aesthetic outcome in mind will be key to aging gracefully!

Are you interested in Botox? Book an appointment at HealthyLooks MedSpa today with one of our expert injectors! Feel free to call or text 816-795-5262 at our office if you have any questions.